By end of 5 years

Wants to please friends, wants to be like her friends, more likely to agree to rules, likes to sing, dance, and act, shows more independence and may even visit a next-door neighbor by herself

5 – 6 years

Follows instructions given to group, asks how questions, uses past tense and future tense appropriately, uses conjunctions, has a receptive vocabulary of approximately 13,000 words, sequentially names days of the week

6 – 7 years

Understands left and right, uses increasingly more complex descriptions, engages in conversation, has a receptive vocabulary of approximately 20,000 words

7 – 9 years

Stories contain complete episodes with internal goals, motivations, and reactions of characters, and multi-episode stories appear, language is used to establish and maintain social status.

9 – 12 years

Stories include complex, embedded, and interactive episodes, understands jokes and riddles based on lexical ambiguity, vocabulary used in school texts is more abstract and specific than used in conversation.

12 – 14 years

Expository texts used in school sponsored writing, most academic information is presented in expository formats, understands jokes and riddles based on deep structure ambiguity