Speech and language skills

  • Stories contain complete episodes with internal goals, motivations, and reactions of characters, and multi-episode stories appear.
  • Language is used to establish and maintain social status.
  • Increased perspective-taking allows for more successful persuasion.
  • Provides conversational repairs by defining terms or giving background information.
  • Begins to understand jokes and riddles on sound similarities.
  • Can perform successfully in simple referential communication tasks.
  • School and reading experiences introduce new words not encountered in conversation.
  • Pronouns used anaphorically to refer to nouns previously named.
  • Word definitions include synonyms and categories.
  • Some words understood to have multiple meanings.
  • Capacity for production of figurative language increases.
  • Literate language syntax needed for academic participation develops.
  • Few errors in noun phrases (much bricks) persist.
  • Articulation is mostly error-free.
  • Some difficulty with complex words may persist.
  • Phonological knowledge is used in spelling.
  • Sound manipulation in activities such as pig latin is seen.